Compatibility Tags

As an open-source project, Elementor includes an extensive developers API, enabling the creation of a vast eco-system of 3rd party extensions that build on and enhance Elementor’s capabilities. In fact, there are over 500 addons that extend Elementor’s capabilities. 

When 3rd party developers don’t update their extensions to make them compatible with the latest versions of Elementor, Elementor users can experience problems with their sites. 

To protect your sites from possible future conflicts, we created a Compatibility Tag that notifies users about plugins that may not be compatible with their currently-installed version of Elementor. This will make it easier to debug issues if any arise.

This compatibility tag mechanism allows external developers to declare their compatibility and maintain their plugin headers and versions, which lets users know which plugin they need to update before Elementor updates.

Look for the compatibility tag next to any 3rd party plugins you are using before updating Elementor. If there is no compatibility tag, but Elementor knows that the 3rd party plugin is not compatible with a new version of Elementor, a message will be displayed if it is not safe to continue with the update.

For example, you may see an alert, followed by a list of incompatible plugins, similar to this:

Compatibility Alert – Some of the plugins you’re using have not been tested with the latest version of Elementor. To avoid issues, make sure they are all up to date and compatible before updating Elementor.

If compatibility tag compliance is followed, users will see a decrease in the chance of clashes, conflicts, and instability between an Elementor new release and any addons or plugins that are incompatible with it.

  • Compatibility tags provide transparency and information as to which plugins should be updated before Elementor updates.
  • This mechanism reduces conflicts when using Elementor with external addons and 3rd party plugins
  • This transparency and accountability for addons helps create the optimal experience for both plugin developers and for users because it reduces the friction that is sometimes experienced when add-ons conflict with new Elementor releases.

Elementor encourages all addon developers to add the compatibility tag to their plugins. Learn how.



