How to Save Form Submission Data in Elementor

With Elementor Form Submissions feature you can backup your form submissions data, access it whenever you want, and manage it all from one place. Having your submissions info allows you to gather insights, analyze a campaign’s data, or simply manage your submissions from within your WordPress dashboard.

Note: This is an experiment. Make sure you turn it on under Elementor > Settings > Experiments tab.

  1. Create a new page or edit an existing one and click Edit with Elementor
  2. Drag in a Form widget to your page
  3. By default, the Actions After Submit section includes the Collect Submissions option
  4. To view the collected submissions go to Elementor > Submissions
  5. Click to View, Edit, Delete, and ‘Mark as read’ any form submission

Note: This does not apply to older forms, to enable this just add it under “Actions after submit”

Exporting Submissions

You can export your submissions by: Page name, Form name, Time frame, and All. Click Export All to CSV to export your selected submissions.

Please note: Form Submissions is GDPR compliant and uses the WordPress native Export and Erase user information tools so you’ll be able to get access to all of your data in your WordPress admin.



