Elementor 3.1 FAQ

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Q: How many landing page templates do you offer? 

A: Currently, there are 46 landing page templates available 

Q: Are landing pages available on the free version of Elementor?

A: Landing pages are available on both the Free and Pro version of Elementor

Q: Does Elementor Pro offer more templates than the free version?

A: Yes, you can sign up for Elementor Pro to enjoy all of the landing page templates

Q: Can I A/B test different landing pages?

A: Currently, we do not offer A/B testing via Elementor but you can use 3rd-party solutions compatible with Elementor.

Q: Can I move existing templates I’ve saved for landing pages into the new landing page section?

A: Although you can’t drag and drop an existing saved template to the Landing Pages saved templates list, you can do the next best thing. Create a new landing page, insert your existing saved template into it, and save the landing page. You’ve effectively duplicated the design into the Landing Page templates for reuse later.

Q: Can I import landing pages from other landing page platforms?

A: No, the Elementor Template Library only includes Elementor Templates.


Q: I thought that the Developer Edition was the one with experimental features?

A: The developer version includes features that are high risk, features that “pre-date beta”. It’s a public alpha that gives our dev team feedback on testing features.

The experiments in the feature release are mature features that users can decide whether to activate or not. It’s an important precaution for users who want to update.

Both the developer edition and experiments allow us to increase our release rate and be more innovative, basically ship more features more frequently.

Q: What does “Default” mean? 

A: The default value can either be Active or Inactive and is defined by Elementor per experiment per release. The default can change according to conditions like new or existing websites.

Q: Can I deactivate an experiment if I no longer want to use it?

A: Yes! You can deactivate experiments at any time.

Q: Can you remove an experiment?

A: Yes, each experiment has a status. When the status is in Alpha phase, it can change multiple times. They are named because they are experimental and tend to change and evolve.

Q: Can these experiments affect live pages?

A: Of course. Please keep in mind that when using experiments features can change or be removed.

Q: What happens if I change an experiment to inactive after I already used it? 

A: If it was a visual experiment such as an extra widget, and you used it in your site this widget will disappear once the experiment is deactivated.

Q: Will you let us know before an experiment is removed?

A: Yes, we will communicate before removing experiments.

Q: How do you decide which experiments to keep?

A: We decide based on your feedback, the stability, and performance of the feature.


Q: How does this help me?

A: Making websites accessible is best practice. In addition, this can improve the ranking and accessibility of your site.

Q: Why is this an experiment?

A: The html output has been changed and can influence custom code implemented in your site.  

Q: Why is this experiment automatically turned on?

A: The experiment is turned on only for new installations of Elementor – new sites


Q: Do I need to manually activate this?

A: You need to go to the experimental section in the settings and turn it on.

Q: Why do I need to activate it?

A: because it contains some changes in the files you load and can affect the way your site behaves if there are 3rd party addons that depends on Elementor to load certain script.

Q: What does this actually do?

A: This experiment currently loads only required JS handlers and the Swiper library in each page load. For example if you don’t have an Image Carousel widget in your page – your visitor won’t load the swiper.js file or other JS files related to this specific widget. It loads scripts conditionally.

Q: Does this apply to Pro widgets as well?

A: You will have to download the latest version of Elementor Pro to use Improved Asset Loading Properly. Further improvements may be included in the next Elementor Pro version.

Q: I’m using a 3rd party plugin for Elementor and it stopped working with this experiment on. What should I do? 

A: If there’s any conflict with a 3rd party addon please deactivate this experiment and contact the plugin author to adjust his addon to use conditional loading.

ֿQ: My site got slower, not faster. What gives?

We saw the performance improvements have a positive impact on speed and load time, and this will only get better once we roll out 3.1 Pro. However, a few users noted a decrease in load speed. This is very likely due to a rare server issue.

We introduced a new method for attaching a JS handler to an element, thus enabling to break the loading method into small chunks. Users with the HTTP/2 protocol active in their sites will benefit from efficient loading, due to Multiplexing. This allows a browser to request all the assets in parallel resulting in a dramatic performance gain.

Q: What is HTTP/2 protocol?

A: Instead of linear loading of assets, it will load in a parallel way. The breaking into chunks will increase the requests the site is creating but will handle them more efficiently if the server supports it. AND – we haven’t yet introduced the Pro version reference for this – so when it will be released you will see an additional, likely stronger, impact.

You can read about the new HTTP2 protocol here: https://www.pingdom.com/blog/will-http-2-make-your-site-faster/


Q: Didn’t you already do this? Why is this happening again, now?

A: DOM improvements were introduced in 3.0, and caused conflicts for our users. In this release, we removed it and added it back in as an experiment. It is now active on New sites only.


Q: How does this help me?

A: To protect your sites from possible future conflicts, we created a Compatibility Tag that notifies you about plugins you are using that may not be compatible with your currently-installed version of Elementor. 

Q: How will I know if a plugin is incompatible with the latest version of Elementor?

A: You will receive an alert. For example, you may see an alert in the list of plugins in your dashboard that says something like this:

Compatibility Alert – Some of the plugins you’re using have not been tested with the latest version of Elementor. To avoid issues, make sure they are all up to date and compatible before updating Elementor.

This alert will be accompanied by a list of the plugins that may be problematic.



