My Changes Do Not Appear Online, What is the Solution?

Following is a list of the most common situations which may prevent your changes from appearing online and what you can do about it:

After updating Elementor and/or Elementor Pro

NoteYou should always test updates on a staging site before updating your live site.

Elementor updates may affect your current stylesheets/CSS, preventing your changes from appearing online. One of the following steps may help you troubleshoot the issue: 

  • Deactivate and clear optimizations and cache before updating. Ensure that they are disabled when you update.
  • Ensure that you do not have server caching enabled. You may need to consult your current hosting provider for additional assistance.
  • On your staging site, disable all plugins except Elementor and Elementor Pro to eliminate any possible conflicts with third-party plugins.
  • Switch your theme to any default WordPress theme or the Elementor Hello theme. 
  • Switch your CSS Print Method to “Internal Embedding” to double-check if the external stylesheets work correctly. External stylesheets are located inside your WordPress uploads folder
    • To change the CSS Print Method, go to Elementor > Settings > Advanced” from the WordPress Dashboard. If it is set to External File, set it to Internal File, if it is set to Internal File, set to External File. Test to see if this resolves the issue.
  • Regenerate your files and DataFiles.
    • You can regenerate files and data by going to Elementor > Tools> from your WordPress Dashboard. Then click Regenerate Files & Data

Incorrect Server/WordPress configuration

Server or WordPress configurations may affect how stylesheets are generated, preventing your changes from appearing online.
To troubleshoot these issues:

  • If you recently added SSL or made other changes in your domain or file directory, ensure that these changes are aligned.
    • Go to Settings > General on the WordPress dashboard and check that both the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) are the same and that both are either http:// or https://.
  • Permalinks can affect your layout or stylesheet.
    • Go to Settings>Permalinks on your WordPress dashboard and set permalinks to Plain
  • Check your Custom Server Configuration/Optimization.
  • Check your .htaccess custom code/configuration.

Cache and optimization issues

Cache or optimizations can prevent your changes from appearing online.
To troubleshoot these issues:

  • Disable any third-party WordPress optimization or cache plugins
  • Temporarily clear/disable any server-level caching. You may need to consult your hosting provider for help with this.
  • Clear your browser cache or test the page using incognito mode.

Issues with CSS Print method

The CSS print method can affect your stylesheet.
To troubleshoot these issues:

  • In the WordPress dashboard, go to Elementor>Settings>Advanced and check the CSS Print Method. If it is set to External File, set it to Internal File, if it is set to Internal File, set to External File. Test to see if this resolves the issue.

Unclosed HTML tags, CSS or custom codes

If you added custom code or CSS to Elementor widgets, Global Settings or Theme and did not close the HTML tags, this can prevent your changes from appearing online.
To troubleshoot these issues:

  • First, check any custom code or CSS added on to global settings and verify that the code works, checking for any unclosed, or improperly closed, tags
  • Next, If you added any inline styling to widgets (such as the Heading, Text Editor or HTML widgets), check them for unclosed, or improperly closed,  tags.
  • Check your pages for custom CSS. An easy way to check is to open the Navigator and look for any highlighted elements. These highlights indicate that the element contains custom CSS, motion effects or absolute positioning.


  • We recommend not switching back and forth between the Elementor Editor and native WordPress editor. This can lead to content issues. 
  • When you export an SVG image from an SVG editor, it should have a unique ID. If it has a custom size but doesn’t have a unique ID, this can lead to errors. Fix this by re-exporting the image with a unique ID or set the width size in pixels (PX). 
  • Themes can sometimes prevent changes from appearing – for instance if the theme CSS overrides the Elementor CSS. To check, switch to a default WordPress theme or the Elementor Hello theme. If it is a theme issue, contact the developers for assistance.

If you have tried the above steps and still haven’t resolved the issue. Contact support for further assistance. For more details, see how to submit a support ticket.


  • We recommend having a staging site with cPanel/FTP during the support process.
  •  You can report any bugs or other issues you’ve found to the Elementor Github page.



