Single Post Widgets

Elementor offers a set of widgets called ‘Theme Elements‘ that can be used to create your single post. These include the Post Title widget, Post Info (Meta Data) widget, Post Excerpt widget, Post Content widget, Featured Image widget, Search Form widget, Author Box widget, Post Comments widget, Post Navigation widget, and Breadcrumbs widget (if Yoast SEO plugin is installed and active).

Post Title

The title of the current post.

Post Info (Meta)

The current post’s meta data such as Author, Date, Time, and Number of Comments.

Post Excerpt

The short summary of the current post.

Post Content

The heart of the current post is the content, of course!

Featured Image

The featured image of the current post.

Author Box

A box which features the author’s bio.

Search Form

A search form to help users find content on your site.

Post Comments

A user comments section.

Post Navigation

Navigation to allow users to easily navigate between posts.


Breadcrumbs which enable users to navigate your site easily, while also providing search engines clues as to the structure of your site. (Requires Yoast SEO plugin).

Read the tutorial showing how to Create a Single Post Template



