Author Box Widget

The Author Box widget is a Theme Element. It is one of the available Single Post Template widgets that is used to dynamically display the current post’s author box.


  • Drag an Author Box into the editing screen
  • Source: Choose between Current Author or Custom Author *
  • Profile Picture: Select Show to display the author’s profile picture. If you selected Custom Author, you’ll need to manually upload a photo. 
    • Picture Size: If you select Show, this option will appear. Enter a number to change the default size of the author’s profile picture.
  • Display Name: Select Show to display the author’s name. . If you selected Custom Author, you’ll need to manually upload a photo.
  • HTML Tag: Use the dropdown menu to designate the title of the price list as a header (H1-6). This helps search engines find and understand the price list, boosting SEO. The title can also be tagged as a paragraph, span or div.
  • Link To: Create a link that allows visitors to click the author’s name and go to your website or post archive.  If you selected Custom Author, you’ll need to manually enter a link.
  • Biography: Select Show to display the author’s biography. .  If you selected Custom Author, you’ll need to manually enter a biography.
  • Archive Button: Select Show to display a button that links to your post archive. If you selected Custom Author, you’ll need to manually enter a link to the archive.
  • Archive Text: Customize the Archive Button text by entering a value or using a dynamic tag. For more details, see Dynamic tags.
  • Layout: Set the author photo to appear to the left, right or top of the Author Box. 
  • Alignment: Align the contents of the Author Box to the left, right or center. 

* If you choose Current Author, the widget will use a dynamic tag to fill in the author info. For more details, see Dynamic tags. If you choose Custom Author, you will manually input the author info as static information.



  • Vertical Align:  Align the Author image to the top or to the middle. This option does not appear if you set to image to Above in the Content tab. 
  • Image Size: Set the image size. If you are using Gravatar (Globally Recognized Avatar) to pull the author image from their database, you can use Image Size to set a custom image size.Gap: Adjust the gap between the author’s image and the biography text.
  • Border: Select Yes to create a border around the author image. If set to Yes, you’ll have the option of choosing a border color and width.  r
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius. For more details, see Border radius tools.
  • Box Shadow: Add Box Shadow to your image. For more details, see, What is Shadow?



  • Color: Set the author name text color. For more details, see Choose a color or Use global fonts and colors.
  • Typography: Set the typography design. For more details, see typography.
  • Gap: Gap: Adjust the gap between the author’s name and the biography text.





