WooCommerce Single: Product Title (Pro)

Use this widget to control the style and layout of the Product Title in the WooCommerce Single template


  1. Title: Automatically dynamically generated
  2. Link: Enter the URL for the item’s link. Click the Link Options cog to either add rel=nofollow to the link or to open the link in a new window
  3. Size: Choose from Default, Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL
  4. HTML Tag: Select the HTML tag to use for the Title, from H1 to H6, or div, span, or p
  5. Alignment: Align the Title to the left, right, center, or justified


  1. Text Color: Choose the color of the text
  2. Typography: Change the typography options for the text
  3. Text Shadow: Add a shadow and blur to the text
  4. Blend Mode: Select from multiple layer effects including Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, etc. View Blend Mode demo



