I was asked to upgrade my plan but I should have activations left

Note: The My Elementor dashboard is currently undergoing design changes. As a result, your dashboard may look different from the one shown in this article.

Your Elementor Pro subscription comes with a limited number of activations. If you try to exceed that number of installations you will receive an error message asking you to upgrade your plan. In general, this means you’ve used up all the activations provided by your subscription. That means it’s time to upgrade your subscription

However, if you believe you still have activations left on your current subscription, there are two reasons this could happen:

  1. You uninstalled Elementor Pro from a website and then reinstalled it 
  2. You changed the URL of a website built with Elementor Pro 
  3. You have already used your license on the maximum number of websites

  In these cases, some of your activations may be counted twice. 

I was asked to upgrade my plan because I uninstalled and reinstalled Elementor Pro

If you installed Elementor Pro on a site, then uninstalled it and reinstalled it, Elementor will see that as two separate activations. In order to correct this, you’ll need to deactivate the website and then reactivate it:

Note: Deactivating a site will not affect the live site.

  1. Go to the subscriptions section of the My Elementor dashboard. This will bring up a list of your subscriptions.

  2. Select the subscription containing the site you need to deactivate/activate. You’ll see a list of  sites associated with that subscription. Locate the site you’d like to deactivate and select Deactivate Website. This will free up the activation.

  3. Navigate to the WordPress dashboard of the website where you reinstalled Elementor.
  4. Go to Elementor > License and use the Connect and Activate button to reactivate Elementor Pro for this site. The site is now using one activation instead of two. Learn more about how to activate a license.

I was asked to upgrade my plan because I changed URLs

If your site switched domain names, Elementor may see this as two activations. In order to correct this, you’ll need to deactivate Elementor Pro on the old domain and activate it on the new one:

Note: Deactivating a site will not affect the live site.

  1. Go to the subscriptions section of the My Elementor dashboard. This will bring up a list of your subscriptions. This will bring up a list of your subscriptions.

  2. Select the subscription containing the site you need to deactivate. You’ll see a list of  sites associated with that subscription. Locate the URL you’d like to deactivate and click deactivate Website. This will free up the activation.

  3. Navigate to the WordPress dashboard of the website with the new URL. 
  4. Go to Elementor > License and use the Connect and Activate button to reactivate Elementor Pro for this site. The activation is now associated with the new domain. Learn more about how to activate a license.

You’ve used Elementor Pro on the maximum number of sites

While you may transfer your Elementor Pro subscription between sites, there is a limit to the number of sites for which you can activate your subscription. If you’ve reached this limit, you’ll need to upgrade your subscription.



