Page settings

Page Settings allows you to control and edit basic information about your page. Here you can give your page a name, featured image, and background.  

  To access the page settings:

  1. Click on the gear icon located at the bottom left of the panel.
  2. Click the Settings tab. 
  3. Expand General Settings
  4. Configure the following: 

    Title – Change the title
    Status – change the status (Draft, Pending, Private, Publish)
    Featured image – add a featured image
    Hide Title – Slide the switch to hide the title
    Page layout – Choose between the different layouts (Default, Elementor Canvas, Elementor Full Width, etc.)
    Excerpt – a short description of the page’s contents. Can be useful when creating archive pages. 
    Order – a numerical value assigned to the page. Can be useful especially if you’re arranging your pages in a hierarchy.
    Comments – allows users to leave comments about your page. Good for visitor engagement.
  5. Click the Styles tab.
  6. Expand Body Style, configure the following:

    Body Style – choose between color, gradient, or image background
    Padding – add padding to the document
  7. Click Advanced tab
  8. Configure the following:
    Your document’s Custom CSS
    Scroll Snap setting



