Submit Button


In addition to adding your content manually, many of the options below also use Dynamic Tags. These tags allow you to retrieve WordPress data, or from plugin sources such as Advanced Custom Fields, or WooCommerce products. Items that have the ability to use dynamic data will have the “stack” icon beside the fields input


  1. Size – Set the size of the Submit Button
  2. Column Width – Set the width for the button
  3. Alignment – Set the alignment

Step Buttons

  1. Next: Enter the text you wish to be displayed
  2. Previous: Enter the text you wish to be displayed

Submit Button

  1. Submit: Choose the text displayed on the Submit Button
  2. Icon – Add an icon from the Font Awesome icon list or upload a custom SVG
  3. Button ID: Assign an ID for your button by entering a value in the field

More Form Options

This page outlines the Form Submit Button options. For other Form options, click one of the links below:


  1. Form Fields
  2. Submit Button
  3. Actions after submit
  4. Additional Options


  1. Form
  2. Field
  3. Button
  4. Messages



